Non Formal Education, Bridge School & Early Learning Centres
Support to Migrant Families
The Early Learning Centres (ELC) are set up with an objective of integral development of rural children and to universalize primary education. Ashalaya has four Early Learning Centres for 2-6 year old children (six days in week), we provide them with learning opportunities both indoor and outdoor, and provide nutritious food every day. All the activities are designed to develop the skills of children. Age wise activities are conducted to improve their learning. The activities are designed to stimulate and support the child’s motor, cognitive, language, social and emotional development.
Ashalaya offers Non-Formal Education (NFE) that is designed to meet the basic learning needs of the disadvantaged groups such as children of quarry workers and migrants. These centers are located near the quarry work sites so that it is easily accessible for children.
The intervention in the quarry has stopped the children from going for child labour. The early learning centre and the non-formal education centres have helped the children who are above six years to go to a formal school while their younger ones are cared in the centres. This has helped the family members to go for job while the children are in school.

Alumni Connect &

Handling Personal & Professional Life
Alumni Connect and Workshop for Skill Training Students
Women Entrepreneurship - Loans to Small Scale Business
Career is a way of making one's livelihood. Self-employment is also a career because one may employ oneself in business or in service activities and earn one's livelihood. With growing unemployment and lack of adequate job opportunities, self-employment has become very significant. Ashalaya Trust of PHJC Sisters Vidyanagar works closely in collabartion with the rural communities of the Bangalore rural and urban slums and extends the services in different districts. The close contact with the women in the target area help us to know the difficulties that they go through in order to meet the needs of their own family. Here Ashalaya intervenes with the rural women to form the Self Help Group which consist of a group of women who come together with same interest to save money and to discuss the family and community welfare at large.
Entrepreneurial activities for this group of people would be encouraged by providing them rotational mode of internal loan facility. This loan to be utilized for the purpose of investment on Micro Small and Medium Enterprise like flour milling, retail trading of clothes, animal rearing, and tailoring.
Introduction of these activities in the community of the target villages has brought about soci0-economic improvement. It is measurable in the form of involvement of women in the decisions of family activities.

Happy Feast Day of
St. Katherina Kasper
Commemoration of St.Katherina on her 124th death Anniversary
1st February
Ashalaya celebrated the day with activities to know more about the Saint and guiding Patron of the organization. There was pencil sketches done by children from Katherine children and the staff. A competition was held to speak about known facts about St Katherina Kasper and reflect upon her life. It was wonderful to witness the active participation of children and the staff.

Ashalaya trust distributed scholarship to financially poor families of the villages in and around the Bangalore North. There are 60 students who receive yearly scholarship from Ashalaya Trust through the support of Leonidis foundation, an organization branch of PHJC Generalate.
It is heartwarming to meet these students and keep growing with them to achieve their dreams. This year it was a remarkable one as many of our beneficiaries was just waiting to come to Ashalaya for this small gathering irrespective of covid-19 lockdown.

ASHALAYA celebrated Christmas festival with great enthusiasm, joy and happiness. All the staff gathered together on the eve of Christmas to share the joy and happiness. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions each centers of Non-Formal education and Creches celebrated the festival in smaller groups.
Merry Christmas and Prosperous Happy New Year 2022

Proud to be Part of 1 Billion Vaccination Mission
ASHALAYA actively participated in the vaccination awareness program by assisting its target community to get vaccinated. Multiple camps were organized in collaboration with Primary Health Centers.
Ashalaya contributed significantly to the great milestone which India reached to vaccination 1 Billion people till December 2021. It continues to render services to the health workers to reachout to the unreached.

Nishanth M
3rd Std
Jagruthi Public School
Chaithra S
7th Std
Sai Shankar Vidyashala
Sushmitha M
10th Std
Katherine Public School
6th Std
Anjanadri School, Peresandra
Tejas M
12th Std
Jnana Jyothi P U College