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Organization's Dominant Values, Norms, Rituals, Beliefs, Language and Ideology

The management concept at Ashalaya is targeted on accountability and mutual respect. Those who visit Ashalaya want to figure here because the organization has developed an environment that fosters creativity, achievement, and fulfilment while with a versatile schedule. The strategy's principal goal is to supply holistic development for kids, youth, women, and others who are still marginalized. Ashalaya is searching for highly motivated individuals that believe in self-sacrifice, teamwork, and share the commitment, responsibility, risk-taking, and discipline required to fulfil the vision. To recruit these unique specialists, a culture that encourages a way of family while maintaining professionalism has been developed and maintained from the company's inception. While being practical in its goal-setting, Ashalaya is equally steadfast in achieving its objectives.

As a result of its success, Ashalaya is ready to supply fair salary and innovative benefits and awards to its employees. The foundation of Ashalaya relies on the ideals of fair dealing and ethical behavior among its personnel. Ashalaya's reputation for quality and honesty necessitates strict adherence to the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, likewise a strict adherence to the best standards of behavior and personal integrity. Ashalaya complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and its Directors, Managers, and associate staff members are expected to produce service in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all applicable laws, and to avoid any illegal, dishonest, or unethical behavior. In general, excellent judgement supported high ethical values guides a personal in determining what's and isn't appropriate behavior. If a scenario arises during which determining the proper course of action is difficult, the topic is discussed openly with the department's immediate head and, if necessary, with the administrators for guidance and consultation. Every Ashalaya employee and associated member is responsible for adhering to the current code of social work ethics and conduct. Disregarding or failing to follow this code of ethics and conduct for social workers and non-governmental organizations may lead to disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.

Languages used are Kannada and English.

Competing Subcultures Within the Organization

While an organization's culture is symbolic of the whole organization, several smaller subcultures exist inside this structure. Consider the Department of Defense as the organizational culture, and the various military branches as organizational subcultures, such as the Army, Marines, and Navy. Each subculture has its own set of qualities that distinguishes it from the others, but they all work together to achieve the same ultimate aims. While the principal goal of the organization is to provide holistic development for children, youth, women, and others who are still marginalized, different subcultures can be seen in Ashalaya. For example, the people responsible for child development have their own way of doing the things to achieve their goals as the situation demands and in the same way the departments working in youth, women and marginalized sectors have their own approach particular to their area of work to achieve the common goal of the organization.

Shaping of the Organization’s Culture by Recent Leaders

One of the most important foundations for creating outstanding organizational cultures is effective leadership. A leader is someone who holds influence or authority and sets the tone for an organization's culture, regardless of title. Leaders have the power to both reaffirm and hold others responsible to ideas. This influence over others can be positive or negative depending on the leadership style and strategy implementation, but both effective and ineffective leadership will influence and develop organizational culture in the workplace. At the highest level, a good leader is concerned about others and strives to bring out the best in them through coaching, mentoring, and listening. The recent leadership at Ashalaya has been effective and it has played a tremendous role in shaping the culture of the organization and increased the dedication of the employees by offering them constant support. Instead of trying to do everything themselves, the leader advises and coaches their colleagues, advocating for them and empowering them to achieve excellent jobs. Employees are valued by the leader, opportunities are provided to them, and success is shared with them. The current leader is inherently inclusive and encourages their people to form bonds. Leaders teach or reinforce an organization's culture, which is then accepted by followers. Through goal-setting, opportunity, and recognition, leaders can promote organizational values by assisting their employees in growing and developing. Frequent one-on-one meetings and regular two-way feedback should be used to raise employees. When employees can have an open and continual discourse about their work, their faith in their boss rises. This style of the leader has helped the employees to be closer to the leader in mind, heart and work. This approach of the leader has helped the organization to reach great heights. Leadership can have an impact on culture in the same way that culture has an impact on leadership. Systematic development of organizational culture and reinforcement of workplace rules is the responsibility of leaders. Employees watch where the leader's attention is directed, how they react to crises, and the behaviors they model, and these are the cultural norms that are adopted in the workplace. Assertive leadership can yield great results and encourage staff to work more for the organization's and people's benefit. Being a role model as mentioned above the leader has been successful in bringing the employees to the culture of the organization and making the employees more productive.

Dominant Culture Integrate Women Into Leadership Positions

At Ashalaya, both men and women are offered equal opportunity. There are no gender distinctions, and everyone is treated equally. At the moment, Ashalaya has more women employees than men. Those who are skilled and committed to their jobs, regardless of gender, are promoted to leadership positions. The organization's ethos is one of equal opportunity for all, regardless of gender, caste, color, or any other impediment. Why would a new employee in this organization fail if he or she did not understand the organization’s culture? If an organization wants to succeed, it must have a properly defined topology of how individuals must interact with one another. What the company is aiming to achieve – strategy – and the means to organize its people to work together to achieve the strategy – values – are the two


components that drive culture. In order to "get" the organization's culture, a new employee must comprehend both. The new employee is basically in a vacuum without strategy and values, with only the noise and skewed perspectives of supervisors and colleagues to convey their sense of culture. The "how" – values – must be communicated after the "what" – strategy – has been explained to the fresher to organization. Values outline how employees are expected to collaborate in order to achieve the desired strategic results. Values serve a strategic purpose. They identify the characteristics of the employee team, as well as the dynamics that must be displayed, in order for the organization's strategic purpose to be "lived." Orienting a new employee must be meticulous and detailed, not a high-level discourse, to be effective. If they don't, they won't understand your culture, and you won't have an employee who understands your mission.


Review By

Fr Priyesh Pudussery

Syromalabar Diocese of Bhadravati

Ashalaya Trust
Hutthanahalli Road
Vidyanagar Post
Near Central Telecom Society
Bengaluru, Karnataka
India - 562157

Land Line :         080-29791022
Mobile      :      +91 9480015940

                        +91 7259194238

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